FOCUS: Attraction, Recovery, Growth
COLOR: Green, Black & Yellow
RESPONSIBLY MINED IN: Norway, Brazil & Alaska
MINERALOGY: Epidote is an aluminum-iron mineral that can be found in either crystal or stone form. The stone was first described in 1801 by R.J. Hauy and was named after the Greek word meaning to “increase”.
HOW TO USE: In physical healing Epidote stimulates the immune system and is a great stone to use for helping to aid physical recovery. It is popular amongst crystal healers for its ability to clear congestion and energy blockages in the physical and subtle bodies. For this reason it is thought to be helpful dissipating tumors by releasing stagnant energies in the area. Epidote is an excellent stone for tuning into nature. It gives out a simple, calming, grounding, “back to Earth” vibration.
HEALING PROPERTIES: Epidote increases personal power and enhances the energy of whatever it touches, including other stones. It is said to bring spiritual growth and is a great stone for releasing negativity and raising one’s vibrational energy. Epidote is thought to balance and stabilize the energy flow in the body.
It is a very useful stone for those suffering from depression and negative thinking patterns, as it helps to empower the carrier. Epidote can inject a feeling of hopeful optimism into one’s emotional body, helping to bring the mind into a higher vibration. It is also said to increase general perception and the possibility of interaction with spiritual beings.
AREAS OF PLACEMENT: Near your bed to help have lucid dreams and restful sleep. In the bedroom to attract romantic energy and in the Office to attract prosperity.